Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Life is that which happens to us while we are busy planning our futures. My project is taking a lot longer than I had expected, in fact it might not ever get off the ground. The problem is the management team is floundering around from project to project letting there attention get scatter like so many leaves in the wind. The main man has a perfectly good project under wraps but lacks the vision to bring his project to fruition and that is so sad. It’s not like this is rocket science, he’s done the hardest part and that to think up the idea and build a prototype. But he lacks the vison to see his project through and has filled his life with people who also lack the vision or experience to guide him beyond their own selfish needs. So the whole project is going to fall by the wayside for lack of direction.

I wouldn’t mind so much but this is a green project that will help a lot of people in their moment of need and beyond. Emergency Housing in a new a different way that FEMA is in dire need of done in a new a different way. None of the Formaldehyde fumes and a pop-together wall structure that can be put together in different configurations quickly and can be shipped by air or rail. Now a woman involved with the project is a real go getter and really sharp, she got my attention very quickly and has potential. She has the vision and see’s the potential that the other lack but I fear she is getting discouraged by the lack of control at the top. I’d like to be part of her team if she has the gumption to put one together and take over the hard work on getting the grants, doing the governments paperwork and all the headache involved with getting a new project off the ground. As I say she has experience and I think has the drive. Certainly her background in solar work and knowledge of the working of the government give her a leg-up so we’ll see. Stay tuned as the adventure continues and see if this can be part of my new life. Only time will tell.

On the other hand I went to the Second Saturday Art festivities the other night and had a blasts. All sort of wonderful art on display with all the artist in attendance to talk up their work and give it depth. Really got my creative juices flowing to get back into the game but I don’t know if it’s really time yet. No one seems to be buying art or anything else right now and the gallery owner isn’t doing any cartwheels as of late. But it gave me a feel for the life again and maybe soon the timing will be right for a return. But it was a young crowd and I didn’t see any buyer type there only people looking to have a good time and maybe that’s what it’s all about now. Everybody is crying the blues but still people are shooting and models are working and traveling so things can’t be that bad can they now.


Lin said...

Sorry to hear your project is stalling. It may yet happen - these things take time.

Your art show sounds cool. The art market is suffering over here too. The only artists making money are portraitists and even they are only just breaking even.

Carnelian said...

The economy does provide a little bump in the road for us models who prefer to work on artistic projects that aren't always paying gigs. But I'm still hard at it so I think you'd be able to find plenty more :)

Good luck getting your project off the ground. It sounds like something people could really use so I'm crossing my fingers that people can get it together.

Shadowscapestudio said...

Hang in there Michael. Things may go correctly yet.
Nice that we still have models to shoot however.

MichaelV. said...

Oh you can bet I'm hanging in there, I'll check with that woman later this week. I haven't givening up yet, projects take longer to happen in this economy so we'll see. Yes the models are a great asset I don't know what I'd do without them..

unbearable lightness said...

I feel as though I am always waiting for other people to do something. You remind me of so many people who need to be poked and poked. Inertia.

Isn't life just like Theatre of the Absurd after all?