Saturday, September 12, 2009

Not Much

Watch my new video:


Lin said...

Wow! That's great!
Really inspirational interview.

You look great on camera.
It is great to finally learn your "real voice" too. (You've always talked like Clint Eastwood in my head up until now. Don't ask me why!)

Well done! I wouldn't have done nearly as well in a t.v. interview so congrats for coming across so well on-camera.

unbearable lightness said...

This is excellent. I never knew about raising your arms to see if one drifts. Now I would be able to try that and determine I was having a stroke. I think we read about the signs, but hearing you describe them is much more powerful and memorable. One thing I will not forget about your video is the urgency to seek help and to anticipate an inclination not to do that.

You are also an inspiration. I am sure some people do not seek help because they are in denial about what is happening, it is too traumatic to think of the reality of it. You make it clear there is hope and a future. To see you walk is divine. I would never know you had a stroke from watching you walk or stand or sit. Any effects of the stroke are not visible. Your face is also perfectly balanced in movement, and your speech impeccable. You give great hope!

It is just a pleasure to be able to actually see you, on a personal note. Your eyes are beautiful, so kind and intelligent. Your demeanor is gentle. These are all things I already thought about you, but to see actually see your beautiful spirit is wonderful! You have an exemplary presence in the video, so likable, so sincere, so credible.