Well I’ve finally fallen into the abyss, I’ve begun walking in the local mall... no dogs, no heat, no rain... no fun. Soon I’ll be nodding hello’s to other oldsters who walk the mall with me. The thing that strike me is how empty of business it is. Store after store, acre upon acre of failed business and no one to take up the slack.
I remember this mall from my childhood, remember riding there on my bike wide eyed at the man in the rocket suit and the carnival rides. My friend Roy who insisted that I was chicken for not riding with him, green and not with envy was he. Later I remember standing in line for Rolling Stones tickets in my teenage years. I remember the name change rolled out with great fan-fair when I was hired as a photographer documenting the affair. Now it’s showing its age as am I. The stores one by one have failed, its only a shadow of its former glory, one wonders how long they can afford the upkeep.
I feel a certain kinship with this mall, stores now standing almost empty as one by one my systems start that long slide into failure. In the grander scheme of things I’m a young sixty-three, I have my health for the most part, I have a job that I enjoy. But the same drive that told me in my mid-fifties to start looking and actually reading the signs that I wouldn’t be able to do the physical part of the job were showing. So now I’m in a better position that I was six years ago, although my business has failed with the new economy, I have some skills that I can use to my advantage. Unlike the mall that is just waiting for a buyer to tear it down and use the land to make stand alone businesses. I’m learning to transition into new more prosperous realms, I am developing new skills to keep active while not letting the old skill go fallow.
In this brave new world of ours where other sixty-something’s are dropping like flies, where even fifty-year olds are having a hard time coping I’m still working. Not at the money I was making, not at the level that I was used to, but I’m getting out there, meeting new people and doing my part to keep alive. I’m working with friends, marketing a product I am proud of for clients I’m proud to be associated with.
My vision for the future looks good, 20/20 or there about’s, and on a personal level my vision does seem to be as bad as first figured. Don’t mind telling you I was scared, but there’s reason for optimism. I keep seeing those little black spots (floaters), now I’m glad to say that sometime are birds flying high up. Sometime there just spot in my hardwood floors, sometime they turn out to have legs and are bugs! Going to keep eating those carrots while keeping busy, maybe they were right about masturbation, you will go blind, and fifty-three years later I seem to, least I didn’t get hairy palms! So all in all not a bad forecast! Now after ten years if we could only bring our troops home and give them a rest they so badly need!
P.S. I’m taking GenTeal eye drops, they’re a gel formula my eye doctor recommended. Very good drops.
Glad to hear your eye is recovering, my friend.
I know what you mean about local shops being empty. It's exactly the same over here. Over a third of shops in our local towns are empty. it's so sad, but a sign of our times I guess. Pretty much all businesses are suffering and I wouldn't be surprised to see a double-dip recession shortly. As for us, like you we diversify where we can, we survive (more or less) and we keep a very British stiff upper lip.
P.S. I have a thing about a man's feet - they're so cute when they are hairy (yes, yes, I know - maybe I was a hobbit in a former life) but as for hairy palms...well, I dunno. Sounds kinda dodgy to me...!
Michael, I have not walked a mall for years! I think we have one left in this area. The others closed. They will soon be a thing of the past. Everyone buys online? I am not surprised they aren't busy. Those were hangout places for kids for a long time.
Stand alone stores are quite the rage here in Texas. But then the car, I mean truck is king. I think we'd drive to the bathroom in our own homes if we could. And we'd do 90 MPH too!
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