Friday, October 24, 2008

My friends over at What We Saw Today had a post some days ago about smoking. I’m against it though I was a smoker for a time before my stroke. So I guess it’s a typical case of do as I say not do as I do. Tobacco smoking is a nasty dirty habit that does untold damage to the human body not to mention the bodies around it. That said I have use it in my images for affect. Smokers mainly but I’ve been known to ask models who don’t to pretend for the effect it has on the viewer. The young lady above was a smoker and lit up the first time she was in my house so I decided to use her smoking as a prop. Again and again I’d ask her to light up as we worked on this series. Finally she begged off because she was getting dizzy. Then I had the problem of getting all the smoke out of my place.
Another time I was working with a nonsmoker on a series of shots where I had her change panties from white to black to boy’s under-wear till I got her without panties at all. But a small cigar remained in her mouth or hands at all time. But she didn’t inhale and I can testify to that if need be!
The point being that it can be a great prop used to get the effect to convey an emotion or just to subtlety change the viewer point of view. It can also be interpreted as an endorsement of a dangerous habit. The trick is to use it sparingly and not in every photo or it takes on another dynamic entirely. Be sure to go to their blog for the full story and the lovely images.
This is Leslie my young model friend who how now lives in the land of the frozen North. We had two sessions all told, she and I became good friends and we ended up talking a lot. She share her private life with me once she became confident that I didn’t want anything more than a friendship. Models are funny that way, some don’t want to be friends at any cost. But most are friendly because of the intimate nature of our work together. Most of my girls drop me a line from time to time and we may meet for coffee or lunch occasionally. Also let me make it quite clear that I respect them for the people they are. I may not agree with their lifestyles or life-choices but I respect them. I certainly didn’t like people judging me when I was that age and I try to keep to that line. A few times it didn’t work that way but I can only try. Next time some new stuff I promise.


Lin said...

Lovely picture Michael.
Hey what happened to my comment? Sorry if it offended you. Mind you, Blogger ate several of my comments last night, so it might be that you weren't offended at all :-)

unbearable lightness said...

Yikes! I sent one, too. It came from my son's computer while I was in Chicago, so maybe the blogger didn't recognize me or something.

Basically, I said smoking will always be a cause of tension among people. It's not likely to go away after centuries of habit.

MichaelV. said...

Yeah like I said it’s a double edge sword that’s shouldn’t be glamorized too broadly. But as much as I hate it everyone is entitled to there own vices. This one however is so damaging to the person and the people (kids) around them it’s not funny. And too many young girls get hooked and it’s impossible for them to give it up in later years. And BTW, it wasn't blogger. My image was to large and it had to be resized. Sorry for the deleated comments.