Friday, January 9, 2009


Well..., I had a really nice post for you today but I somehow deleted it yesterday. I don’t know what happened but it’s gone, my apologies. Instead I’ll leave you with some poetry of mine written in the seventy’s sometime. It’s amazing how full of myself I was but there you have it. I was in my mid-twenty and life was sweet though I didn’t know it, what I’d give to know then what I know now. But anyways I used to write quite a bit and I even sent my stuff to several publishers to see if there was any interest. I got two books back with some polite notes except one book kept me hanging for months it seemed like. Finally it was returned with a lovely letter explaining that they didn’t publish poetry but they had hung on to it for so long so everybody had a chance to read it. That was the first of only a few of the nicest rejection letters I received. Enjoy it for what it’s worth.

Around I looked
and you
had gone
left me wondering
and what
had been
and parks
a part of
my life
Around I looked
I’d been warned
and You
had gone

All right reserved
Michael Vasquez

1 comment:

Lin said...

I somehow deleted it yesterday

You weren't using Vista, perchance, were you? Grr...

But wow, what a gorgeous portrait! And that's a beautiful poem too.