Sunday, March 8, 2009


There been some talk lately about how you can’t trust photographers once they have taken nude photos of you. I resent that kind of take as untrue, I have many models I am protecting from harm. I think it’s part and parcel of being a nude photographer and working with such young models. I prefer models who have some life experience and are at an age where they can make responsible decision. Never the less it take age to bring home decisions we all make as young adults. The things we’ve all done take on a different responsibility once we get into our thirties.

I would certainly hate to be judged by the decisions I made in my early twenties. I always felt that at age twenty-four I was just becoming an adult. It took me another six years to feel that I’d grown into myself. To feel that I finally had some responsibility for myself and others. I couldn’t denied it any longer..., I was an adult. In my twenties I was still experimenting with myself, getting used to the way the world worked. I was trying on different personalities, different lifestyles to see which ones fit and which ones still needed to be tweaked. I see young people making decisions that affect the rest of their lives and having to live with the consequences. And in some cases having to die for the consequences so I’m willing to cut some slack to my models.

My ideal model is age twenty-four but I will shoot with a girl as young as eighteen if the circumstances are correct. I feel if a girl has started modeling or dancing then she is entitled to the best photographer she can interest in her. For these young women I feel a real protective streak in me. I want to help shape their careers and life choices. A few time I have run afoul of their growing experiences and of the age that they are. A few models have pointedly said that they already have a father but if that’s the worst they can say about me I’ll live with that. I forget that some battles are timeless and well fought out. But some girls don’t have an effective father figure or adviser who can help steer them. A few girls are left to flounder and to fend for themselves as best they can. Life can be a hard scrabble for them and a steady influence is welcome.

I feel as though I owe them that chance at their dream or the vision that drives them. I am honest and fair with them, I shoot a polaroid of every setup I shoot and encourage them to ask for one if their unsure what I’m getting. I’m asking for their trust in me and my vision, I show them contact sheets for their approval first before I ever ask them to sign anything. I have some models who I work without a release, asking their permission before I publish anything. With some girls I ask them for a particular shot and if their not happy with it I won’t use it. I’m asking them to allow my vision free range and we’ll deal with the appropriateness later after we’ve had a chance to view the final work. Trust is of paramount importance to me and for my models. I have the responsibility to hold that trust and it’s a responsibility I value.


Shadowscapestudio said...

Sounds like we share much of the same ideas.
Building trust is something that can never be started too soon in a person's life.
When you have the quantity of work out there that we do it is easy for a model to look at what we have created and what we do not create and get a reasonable idea that trust can be accomplished. On the other hand, working with a fairly new photographer can be a challenging ordeal to build trust between the model and the photographer. Likewise working with a new model.
It is rare that I find myself working with other than a seasoned model that will have no hidden surprises for me later, but when I do we begin the building of that trust.
Another good post my friend.

MichaelV. said...

I find it’s sometimes easier to build the trust than it is to find someone I can work with. I lay a careful groundwork with my models before hand so there are no surprises from me. But it can take a long time to get them into the groove of things. Some models really surprise me with their flow and grace but that’s not always the case. I guess there’s something about working in the backwoods that lends a certain spark to your models. Humm, maybe it getting paid too! Thanks for your comment.

Shadowscapestudio said...

I have to at least pay for travel, otherwise I would never get a model.
Well, maybe Abigail would come around from time to time, but the rest would never show. I'm a four hour drive from the nearest model.
If they make the trip, you better treat them right. And if they have made the trip I would expect they they have done their homework and already trust me because they will have to spend the night here.
I guess it is a form of weeding out those who are suspicious from those who know it will be alright.
I can say that I have never worked with a model who did not want to come back and do it again. And I guess that is a good testimonial.

MichaelV. said...

That’s an excellent testimonial Dave and one that speak highly of your skills. I don’t know why some young models don’t want to spend time with us. After all they can sit at our knee and partake of our wisdom. Yeah, and fifty cents will buy you a newspaper unless it’s Sunday. Tell Girt I’m with you on the strippers who needs them when you can get that at home!

Lin said...

I think you are very easy to trust, Michael. Your honesty shines very clearly from your photography and your writing. I trust you implicitly, which is saying a lot for someone I've never met!

Good post, my friend, and congrats on the feature on Univers d'Artistes too :-)

unbearable lightness said...

Great post here and also today at Univers d'Artistes! I agree with Lin. You have shown yourself to be thoughtful and kind, qualities deserving of trust.

Shadowscapestudio's comment, "you better treat them right," made me think of one of my favorite Lieber and Stoller songs, "Treat Me Nice":

"When I walk through that door,
Baby, be polite
You're gonna make me sore
If you don't greet me right...
If you don't want me to be cold as ice
Treat me nice."

MichaelV. said...

You’re lyrics brought a smile to my face. Dave is so right you’ve got to treat them right. That’s the only way to get them to come back and work with you again and again. Thank for your views, I hope you and Sunny have a good night.