Well it that time of the year when we look back at this year and thank god that’s we survived another one. Survival has been on all our minds this year to a greater extent than any other year before. Even the year of my stroke though I didn’t comprehend how I knew I’d survived and the rest was easy. But last year everything changed for us all in the great economic downturn. The basics of all knew to be true turned out to be true and the fix was in to overturn those basics.
Banks, mortgage company, insurance companies and the auto industry collapsed into a pit of there own shady practices. No it wasn’t the end of the world, those companies deemed "to big to fail" were bailed out by a congress that was ripe with it’s own corruption. The world didn’t end with a bang nor a whimper but a new alinement of power and control over our destinies. In the words of that old Dylan song the times they are a changing. We common men and women are left to pick up the pieces of our lives as best we can and trudge on. It’ll be a long cold hard slog but we can make it if we’re smart enough and determined enough to figure out our way. We must ban together in our communities of like minded souls and protect and defend those we love and care for. We must protect the work we do and the people who work with us against the forces massed against us. This will not be easy or pleasant but we have the power to make it fun.
When I moved to New York I had to lean a new way of thinking, a new way of survival. It too wasn’t easy or pleasant but I made the chore of starting over fun and explored different ways to accomplish my goals. I learned to explore the parameters of my new world and all the wonderful things about it. When I learned to correct myself from going the wrong way for my goals I found satisfaction in the learning. As I learned the physical difference of North and South, East and West I had accomplished something useful. From that one skill I learn to orientate myself to my new environment and the rest was easier to deal with.
For one I’m challenged by the landscape of this new world of our’s and I think it will provide new ways to succeed in life. Only the strongest and most agile of people will find the way to success, that’s the way it’s been forever. The basics haven’t changed that much although we are certainly not at the center of the universe anymore. There are more and bigger challenges facing us, facing our children too but the chances of success outweigh the negatives if you ask me. That’s the way I’m facing the New Year, with hope in the future based on my history of success in the past. We all must be up to the challenges ahead of us and to keep that sense of optimism intact and a sense of humor will help as well. It always seems darker just before the light go out but we can all light a match of hope.
Check out http://www.universdartistes.com/ he's written an article about me. Thanks Chris.